
During the boil water advisory we had limited fresh Jemma had to bathe in the "baby" bathtub again...she doesn't seem to mind the limited space though!!

Daddy brought fresh water home from work for us. Here's Jemma helping take the bottles out of the box....I guess she was either thirsty or wanted a bath :-)


*~*~*~*THE GREAT SNOWFALL*~*~*~*

So foreign to the lower mainland....all this snow has started to fall...

...people are getting out and enjoying this white stuff...

...the trees and shrubs are starting to feel the weight...

....and the snow is still falling....



:-) Wow.....all this white stuff is pretty nice.....I'm not getting wet like in the rain. .....

....but it keeps on falling from the sky like the rain!!!!!!

I'm going to try and catch some on my tongue


getting up in her crib

This is Jemma's latest that Jemma is on the move there is no stopping her!!!!



Jemma finally decided to start crawling after several weeks of rocking on her hands and knees!!

cuddling with Daddy in bed....zzzzzzzzzzzzz......


Jemma & Daddy taking a stroll outside



for Jemma's 9 month "birth"day she got to eat Momma's pork chop!!!!! She did a pretty good job of gnawing on it too!!! Those 4 teeth can sure do a number on well as other things :-)